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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Is it all an act?, Under the top, Don't touch me!, Down goes Fritzy

Down Goes Fritzy
It may be the day of love, but there was no love for Fritzy in the man cave today. The other Danettes took over valentine related sports words, his mock headlines were atrocious, he couldn’t even get his poll question suggestions all the way out of his mouth before getting shot down. If Fritzy wasn’t sexually frustrated by the end of the day by the events of the last three days……….…watch out Mrs. Fritz! 

Don’t Touch Me! 

If you resemble this, you have a
pretty good shot at getting a hug
Dan and the Danettes seem to have attributes similar to fish: Scaly and slimy, big eyes with opened mouths and sadly, cold to the touch. Hug, forget it unless you’re a drop dead gorgeous woman. Hand shake, no thank you unless you’re a celebrity and insist, knucks are preferred, sort of. High fives, rarely if you’re in the front row only, or a celebrity they don’t want to offend. But if they’ve tipped a few, you’re chances will increase. So here’s some advice: Unless you are a top specimen of the female form, and you would like some type of physical contact with Dan or a Danette, either catch them after they have consumed a quantity of adult beverages or ply them with such beverages and after a suitable amount of time and consumption, then attempt contact. Do not attempt unless the above apply.

Is it all an act?

As the show was coming back from its second break, you could hear Seton say the words: "a character I play." That got some thoughts rolling. Are Dan and the Danettes all characters that are being played out five days a week on the radio/TV? Dan Patrick isn’t Dan’s real name. Are Paul Pabst, Patrick O’Conner, Todd Fritz and Andrew Perloff their real names? Are they really the way they seem? Could you really drink as much/often as Seton and hold a technical position on morning radio/TV? Could you really be as needy and insecure as Fritzy and still be able to book guests as well as he does? Does McLovin really watch that little sports and that much TV and movies that target a female audience? Could Paulie really love soccer that much? Does Dan really think that the group he has assembled can operate at perfection? Are they real or are they parts each person plays? Just wonderin’.

Under the Top 

Are you a beer drinker? If not a beer drinker, do you know someone who is? Have you/they tried Audible Ale? If not, why not? Pop the top and look underneath. Recognize anything? Maybe it’s your name, someone else’s name or a catch phrase you’ve heard before. If you have someone who is popping your top for you, ask him, or her, what they’ve got underneath.


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