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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cry Us A River

Cry Us a River
Next time your head begins to swell
imagine yourself no longer in the picture
If your boss had made negative comments to you either about your work or personal items you chose to share with him, then you told your wife what he said/did when you got home, would it be acceptable for your wife to text, call, email or confront your boss in any way?  Also, this is not the first time this has happened.  Actually, it’s happened multiple times. Where I come from, never in a million years would this be accepted in the work place.  With the unemployment rate what it is, would you want your spouse to take this risk for you?  No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Fortunately, Dan Patrick is an extremely understanding boss and Fritzy still has a job.  Your boss routinely picks up the tab for beer and wings.  You take this perk for granted and this doesn’t come to mind when you decide to complain to your wife about how terrible your day was at work.  Get a grip.  You’re on a national television and radio show.  You get gifts and perks through the show.  How were all those Shari’s Berries you had today? You get to go to various locations thanks to your boss/job for movie premieres, award shows, other television shows, sporting events and more.  You get to talk to and meet musicians, athletes, models and actors/actresses that you would never meet otherwise.  You’ve been in a major movie! Yet you complain and it’s ok that your wife contacts your boss to complain.  Your boss routinely listens to your woes and how you have it so much worse than everyone does.  Sven in CA was asking Dan about his surgeries and then the whole conversation, once again, became all about you.  Yes, there was a very funny moment that came from all of that complaining you did but still, really.  Look around, wise up, appreciate what you have, grow a pair and thank your wife for her support but that needs to remain at home. There are tens of thousands of people that would give up so much of the little they have to have the job you do. Look for empathy somewhere else.  If you dish it, take it, or don’t dish at all.

By the way, thank goodness McLovin's attempts to turn the show's attention to him didn't work.  PEDs are stronger than McLovin cries for attention.  All in all, I still love this show.

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